Friday, December 27, 2013

Duck Dynasty, the Fed and the NDAA

Until last week I didn't know anything about Duck Dynasty. I really couldn't have cared less about those people, their business or their antics. Apparently, however, enough of my fellow human beings find them entertaining enough to make it worth A&E's time and effort to produce a show based on their lives. Now, suddenly, I know way too much about them. Now, suddenly, I feel like someone has grabbed me by the neck and shouted in my face "These people are important! What's happening to them is important! Pay attention to them!" All this because some old dude with a ratty looking beard expressed an opinion that to him a woman's vagina is more appealing than a man's anus, an opinion I happen to agree with, by the way.

What's happening to Duck Dynasty is not important. What he said was not important. The fact that some idiot executives (or highly intelligent and manipulative ones) at A&E decided to kick some commander of ducks off the show or some such thing is not important. What takes place between A&E and the duck people is between A&E and the duck people and has nothing to do with freedom of speech or any violation of human rights.

Sure the duck general, or whatever he wants to call himself, has the right to express his opinion, but no organization has the obligation to give him a platform upon which to do it. The only obligation here is to the federal government that they make no law violating the right to free speech. What we have in this witch's brew of inconsequential ingredients that has captured the attention of so many is a call to allow the federal government to do just that. It's all just a distraction, really, and in the meantime laws of real consequence that really do violate natural rights are being enacted and not a peep is heard because everyone's busy feeding the ducks. The magicians have once again done a good job diverting your attention while their slight of hand makes something precious disappear.

I am happy to notice that as this "controversy" grows more and more commentators are beginning to call out its artificial nature. Intelligent thinkers are pointing out the private nature of the contract between A&E and the duck people which makes the censorship not a First amendment issue and I've even read a couple of intellectual gay commentators point out that the tactics being used against Phil Robertson are the very tactics they abhor when used against gay people. It seems that perhaps people are finally beginning to understand the concept that in order for one to live freely one has to allow others to live freely, whether you agree with them or not. Allow others to have and to voice their opinions, however vile and repugnant you might find them. Allow others to conduct their own private business in their own way so long as they're not harming others or committing theft or fraud. Expect them to do the same for you. Just leave others alone to go about their day to day business and expect the same and we should all get along just fine. It really is a simple concept, "Do unto others..," Etc., ad nauseum, and yet one we still don't seem to get. Even so, it seems to me it's time to take the next step.

The time has come to stop talking about ducks and their dynasty. It is time to talk about parasites and theirs. The parasites I refer to are the central bankers, the corporate cartels and all the politicians which hail from these corporate families or are bought and paid for by corporate special interests. These are the people that attach themselves to the productive part of society and suck it's economic life's blood from it. These are the true entities of importance we should be talking about. These are the people that can truly affect your everyday life by their opinions and actions.

It is time now to start demanding a reversal of some of the things that make us less free rather than discussing what to do to curtail people who are exercising their freedoms, perhaps in a controversial way. It is time to start turning the conversation around and asking why aren't we trying to do something about the institutions that want to control and enslave us. It is up to the people who understand freedom to point these things out to those who might still have a foggy notion as to what freedom is.

For instance, as many of you might know, I feel the most important issue of our time is the Federal Reserve. I feel that if we could get rid of the Fed and decide for ourselves what currency to use when trading with others that many of our economic woes would disappear. So, if I'm standing around the water cooler and I hear someone talking about the ducks and their dynasty I might say something like, "That's nice, but you don't have to watch that show or read about what they're doing if you don't want to or if you disagree with them. We all pretty much have to use federal reserve debt notes in order to survive. We are forced to do business with families that are putting the nation into inescapable, incomprehensible debt. I think that matters a little more than what some duck dictator thinks." Keep the focus. Move the conversation to where it needs to go.

Another matter that is of importance is how the federal government is trying to use unconstitutional legislation to trash the Bill of Rights. For instance, while this whole pressed duck controversy was going on the 2014 NDAA was passed which still allows for indefinite detention and all kinds of other unconstitutional human right violations. So, if this is important to you, as you're standing at the water cooler and the whole duck kingdom thing comes up you might want to consider saying something like "Did you know that a new NDAA bill was passed while this duck BS was happening? They still think it's ok to indefinitely detain anyone, even Americans, without trial simply by calling them an enemy combatant. Why, they could accuse this Phil Robertson guy of plotting a terrorist action with renegade ducks, call him an enemy combatant and we would never hear from him again. I think that's a little more important than knowing whether or not he'd rather put his penis in a woman's vagina or a man's anus."

The point is, the establishment is using its media outlets to try to hide the issues that are truly important by creating issues that are not important. They don't want us talking about issues of importance and would rather have us clucking about non issues like a bunch of hens running around the chicken yard. They have used sneaky psychological methods in order to do so and it's up to us to counter as best we can in a way that nullifies the effectiveness of their methods. In the same way we must start denying consent to be ruled by a bunch of psychopaths in Washington, DC, we must also stop listening to their version of what is important and telling them what is truly important. As more and more people become aware of how the media is manipulating them, less and less will pay attention to the establishment media. When enough people deny consent and ignore the media, that is when we will see a true change for the better start to take place.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation. For those interested, my latest work of fiction is entitled Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti.

I have another new Youtube video created for the season entitled Workshop at the North Pole which is more like a commentary some of you might expect from me.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Spirit of Christmas, the Nature of Humankind

Christmas, for me, is a beautiful time of year. It's not the pretty lights and the shiny decorations that make it beautiful, although they are quite pleasant to the senses. It's not nature's show of ice and snow that make it beautiful. Although such scenes make nice postcards to look at, dealing with them in real life is annoying to me and can actually be quite hazardous. It's not the clear air and the twinkling stars in the night sky that make it beautiful, although I do enjoy contemplating them I prefer the longer warm days to the longer cold nights. What makes Christmas beautiful to me is the spirit that's in the air. Not the spirit of commercialism, but the genuine spirit of giving and caring that comes from the heart.

This, to me, shows the true nature of humanity. Humans are not the beings we see on the television nightly news shows scratching and clawing each other in order to obtain some electronic trinket at a greatly reduced price. Those occurrences are actually the exception and not the norm which is why they make the news. Humans are, for the most part, rather docile and compliant and will follow the rules of civility even when placed in a competitive circumstance. This can actually be a bad thing when a tyrannical government tries to assert its authority over the masses.

Humans are not the murderous, torturous, war mongering rabble mainstream history portrays them as. People are, for the most part, kind, considerate, empathetic beings who just want to love and laugh and live their lives as best they can. Even as we study wars and battles and great generals and leaders and man's capacity to be inhumane to his fellow humans, we have a tendency to skip over the feelings and general misgivings of the common soldier who questions the morality of what he is forced to do through his circumstances and longs to return to a life of love and caring. The glorification of warfare is the job of the historian, the politician, and others who may profit from such an activity, the true terror and vileness of warfare is remembered in the hearts of the common folk who participate and can poison them for life. It is, in essence, unnatural.

We are, for the most part, beings of light and love having an experience in the physical realm. Christmas time is evidence of this. We take the darkest, coldest time of the year in the northern hemisphere and make it as bright, warm and festive as we can. We celebrate peace and love, giving and caring. We feel good in our hearts and souls for all that we do for our fellow human beings. This is where the vast majority of human beings want to be, the state of mind most of us want to achieve. That's what true human nature is about. I don't imagine that those who conjure dark thoughts and prey on mankind's insecurities like this time of year too much. It makes me wonder about the true nature of our so called world leaders, for their true nature certainly does not seem to me to be human. I don't see them as beings of light as all, but as beings spreading darkness across the globe.

This is why we must strive to keep Christmas in our hearts at all times. We must always strive to keep the darkness at bay. We must remain secure in the thought that most human spirits are kind, gentle and loving beings and do not wish to harm others. We are all more alike than we are different. We are not perfect and the darkness in this world will manifest, but by striving to keep it from manifesting in your heart you make the world that much brighter for the rest of us. Peace and goodwill to you all.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation. For those interested, my latest work of fiction is entitled Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti.

I have another new Youtube video created for the season entitled Workshop at the North Pole which is more like a commentary some of you might expect from me.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Central Banks and the Enslavement of Mankind

There is a saying that he who has the gold makes the rules. Indeed, throughout the history of mankind it has been shown that wealth is power. Why do you suppose that is? The answer to that question appears to be obvious. If you have money, many people will do what you want them to do simply to obtain that money. This is true whether you own a business and try to provide something costumers will pay for, or you work for a business and provide labor, or you sell sexual favors to lonely people. The answer should be obvious, and yet there exists sinister subtleties that allow for crafty conmen to take control of large swaths of governments and economies in this world. You see, there is evil afoot in this world, and I'm not talking about insignificant evil such as individuals doing drugs or having sex with strangers, I'm talking about industrial sized evil, evil on the scale of the holocaust, evil against all humanity, evil so subtle and pervasive that to many it doesn't seem like evil at all.

Imagine for a moment, if you would, that you were entrusted with the power to create currency for the nation you lived in. Imagine that everyone who engaged in commerce, in any kind of legal economic activity in your country had to, by law, use your debt notes as a means of exchange. Imagine that you got a portion of every legal transaction that took place across the nation. Even if it was a very small percentage, less than one percent, close to zero percent, you would still soon be a very, very wealthy individual before too long. Now imagine that this was so for many nations across the planet. It isn't hard to see how within a few years you'd be one of the wealthiest people on the planet, maybe even the wealthiest. Keep that business in the family for a couple of hundred years and there's little doubt that your family, your bloodline, would be one of the wealthiest, most powerful, most influential forces the world has ever known.

This is how it is with the families that own the central banks of the world. Their total wealth cannot be known. Their power and influence is unbridled. They are above all, masters of this world, and all because they were able to use their wealth and influence to pay for politicians who would sell out the common folk and create a system of currency based on debt, giving a monopoly on currency creation to those same families. Most people probably don't know about this little scheme of theirs, and they would like to keep it that way, which is why the fact that many central banks are privately owned remains hidden. But more and more people are becoming aware.

Many might wonder why people of such wealth would want to hide. Wouldn't they want to flaunt their power? Simply put, they don't want people to know who they are because they don't want to take personal responsibility for the damage they've caused. They certainly don't want the masses of humanity to know that such damage has been caused on purpose and with malevolence because they actually benefit more when damage is done than they do when humanity benefits. They know humanity is smart enough to figure them out and to target them and their agenda in so doing, so they hide as best they can behind propaganda, their masks of legitimacy and their political puppets who supposedly regulate and police them while actually enabling them.

The political class are actually also slaves to this master class which consists of old family royalty, the corporate elite and the banking elite families. They are just higher class slaves, the slaves inside the mansion rather than out in the fields, so to speak. If they want to keep their positions of comfort and avoid the whip they'd better do what is good for their masters, not what is good for the masses of humanity.

We, the common folk, we are their laborers. We are their property. At least that's how they see it. They infuse their "money" with magical symbols and pictures of our "great leaders" of the past and expect to receive real wealth in return. For their paper money is nothing but debt notes, and they expect to be paid back with real property and commodities, not with more debt notes. When you think about it, what does it mean to be indebted anyway? What is debt? Debt is something you owe to someone, a favor that needs to be paid back. What is a debt note? It is a promise that you will pay back the debt you owe, and if you can't you will lose any collateral you own that might be of real value.

The way the elite banking families look at it, they have done you the favor of printing out debt notes for you to use in commerce, and they want that debt repaid. And yet they never spell out exactly what they want for providing this service. Oh, they said in the beginning the income tax would pay for their services, but it seems to me they wanted much more than a simple income tax. History has shown again and again that the price for them to provide this service is steep indeed, as all monopoly services tend to be, so steep, in fact, as to be unaffordable, IMHO.

First off, in terms of simple money, even their own debt notes, what started out as a very small income tax on the very richest Americans in order to pay for the Federal Reserve System's operations has ballooned into a tax on every hard working American who earns over an arbitrary amount of money per year as determined by an unelected set of bureaucrats working for an unaccountable IRS. This in and of itself can be considered slavery for you are involuntarily working a certain percentage for the government. You are least that percentage of a slave whether you want to admit it or not and therefore you are a slave. And don't let anyone tell you that the income tax is voluntary. Just try not paying and see what happens. Look what they did to Wesley Snipes and Ed and Elaine Brown. But go ahead and tell yourself the income tax is voluntary, if you want. I don't live in denial and I know the only reason I pay it is because violence will be used against me if I don't.

But, more nefarious that that, is the price we pay in blood. Look deep into the history that is hidden from the general public and you will see banking interests behind the wars and revolutions that have ravaged this planet for centuries. War is good for the wealthy elite and when banking interests are playing both sides of the conflict they will reap a large profit no matter the winner, a strategy they also use when backing political candidates, by the way. One could well ask what humans would support warfare and violent revolution for something as transient and inconsequential as power and profit over the peaceful advancement of all mankind? Very sick humans, I would venture to say. Very deluded humans. Perhaps someone who is less than human, or very inhuman. Perhaps someone who sees the rest of humanity as their property, as pawns to be played on a chessboard of political intrigue where ideologies are pitted against each other in a twisted game where the one side dominates and the other side either submits or faces extinction. Perhaps someone who believes they own you and your progeny and can send them off to die in some foreign conflict at their whim. Perhaps someone who believes they have the right to bind and enslave all humanity.

Believe in conspiracy or not, the power of the Fed is hard to deny. The history of their founding, the nature of their funding and the reality of their private ownership are not disputed. While some apologists would claim that such analysis as mine is harsh I would argue that their own historical words and actions provide strong evidence to back my opinions. These people feel it is their right to enslave humanity, that we are indebted to them, that they own us all like we are livestock. They are very dangerous and hold far too much power and influence over our lives. Humanity needs to stand up and strip them of that power and influence before they leave humanity impoverished, enslaved and stripped of the dignity it has taken us centuries to gain.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation. For those interested, my latest work of fiction is entitled Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti. I have a new Youtube video created for the season which can be found here.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Biggest Bullies, Big Central Banks and Their Big Central Governments

I've been seeing a lot on bullying lately in the news and on social networking sites. It seems that no one really seems to like bullying much and everyone loves to see the little guy stand up to the bully. And yet there seems to be a disconnect when it comes to those who stand up to the biggest bullies of all. There seems to be some kind of cognitive dissonance that takes place when someone feels the bully is doing the bullying for your own good, or for the right reasons. I don't think bullying is ever good, no matter the reasons one might dream up for engaging in the practice. No matter how well intentioned, the ends never justifies the means when the means is immoral, and an immoral means always taints and corrupts a moral intention.

When we think of bullying, we often think of kids. We think of playground antics. We think of stealing milk money, or a cry for attention, or acceptance, or acting superior due to an inferiority complex, or of insecurity issues, or someone picking on someone else because they're different, or someone picking on someone else simply for the perverse pleasure they might get from instilling fear in another human being, from watching them squirm in fright. Mostly one thinks about the strong picking on the weak. It's especially about the strong picking on the weak.

But why think that these types of behaviors are limited to children? Why the belief that once a human being undergoes this process we know as puberty they suddenly drop the behaviors of childhood and blossom into adults who only engage in respectable behavior? In fact, don't we know from our personal lives that almost the opposite is true? Haven't we all seen adults in our own lives that act as immature today as they did when they were children? Doesn't it make more sense that the bullies of the playground might find an outlet in adulthood where they can engage in bullying techniques and it's not only respectable, many people might actually applaud it? Well, there are plenty of jobs in the public/government sector where bullies are needed to help implement the collectivist schemes of the power hungry political class.

Some may think about the law and enforcement arm of this little club of bullies that rules over the common folk when they read the above and I wouldn't blame them. The enforcement class, which would include judges and prosecutors as well as police, are the class that have to deal the most directly with the public. But these bullies who beat and intimidate with the muscle and the sheer power of "The Law" are not the biggest bullies on the playground by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, they likely have to deal with a different kind of bullying as they go about their work. No, the biggest bullies, the smartest and most nefarious bullies, are cleverly hidden. There is a good chance that most people would never dare to imagine them as bullies because they are so far from the picture of an archetypical bully that most of us carry around in our heads.

I'm talking, of course, about the banksters. Many people when thinking about bankers think about mild mannered, hard working, respectable businessmen. Indeed, when talking about a community banker, a George Bailey type for instance, this stereotype may prove true. When talking about central banking families, those more like Mr. Potter, the ones at the top pulling all the strings, however, nothing could be farther from the truth. These people are as notorious, as cold blooded, and as vile as you can imagine. They don't use muscle to bully so much as they use something much more powerful. They use money. They use economics, and economics targets everyone, not just those one wishes to control. Economic bullying is the carpet bombing of bullying.

These are the people who will threaten economic chaos should they be denied. These are the people who threatened congressmen with the spectre of martial law in 2008 unless they got a bailout. These are the people who can bring a politician's career to a swift end if they so choose. They are the puppet masters at the top of the power structure and they use their vast wealth to move forward with a collectivist agenda where they're in complete control and you will do as they say, or else.

It is the central bankers who have connived and plotted to centralize power in a system where power is supposed to be decentralized and the individual is supposed to have the power to run his own life. They bully those with federal power, who in turn bully those with state power, who in turn bully those with county power, who in turn bully those with city power, who in turn will bully you, the individual. Their favorite weapon of choice is fiat currency. They beat people over the head with the threat of funding removal. Some people might not see that as bullying, but that just makes it all the more subtle. Central bankers know all too well the harm that can be caused by crashing an economy. They count on it. It's all too clear in historical perspective. They also count on the common folk not understanding this, because no one likes to be bullied and if the common folk find out in great enough numbers they might actually do something about it.

So how do we stop such bullying? I believe the first step is to understand that is indeed what's going on. The next step is to confront the bullies. An audit of the Fed will initiate such a confrontation. After such an audit, a determination can be made as to just how much wealth was stolen from the common folk as a result of this bullying. Restitution then needs to be paid to the people in the form of real wealth, real assets and commodities, not paper debt notes that can be printed at will and have to have laws passed to force people to accept them as money. From there we should be very careful as to the rules we create as to what money is and how it drives the economy, with freedom and individual choice in currency markets taking a central role, remembering that history has shown us that what is easily given can be easily taken away.

We have lived in fear of the bully for far too long. The Feds have made excuses and covered their mistakes and their asses with their threats far too often. The system has been corrupted because its foundations have been corrupted with the insertion of a fiat, fractional reserve currency. Until we own up to such realizations we run the risk of the system collapsing around our ears. If we shine the spotlight on the bullies behind the scenes and expose them as those responsible for creating the economic mess we're in then maybe, just maybe, we can avoid economic catastrophe and figure out a way to return to monetary sanity. Perhaps it's time for the common folk to do a little bullying of our own. After all, there's nothing a bully hates more than being bullied.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation. For those interested, my latest ebook is entitled Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti. I have a new Youtube video created for the season which can be found here.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

Galaxium 2: The Losaurian Conspiracy. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Monday, November 4, 2013

Should Doctors be Arrested for Non-compliance?

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." Nancy Pelosi on The Affordable Care Act.

There are many misconceptions about The Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. The first is that it is a law. The second is that it is a tax. It is really neither, but it is both. It is a strange hybrid between the two. In short, it is an odd creature that has never really been seen before. Perhaps the best explanations for what Obamacare is, or is not, can be found here.

If the bill had been read in the first place, perhaps this wouldn't have happened. Perhaps our congress critters would have realized what a severe clusterfuck it was and wouldn't have passed it. After all, passing a bill without knowing what's in it is sort of like going to a pet store to buy your kids a cute little puppy for Christmas and coming home with a mystery package containing some kind of animal you haven't seen, but the clerk assured you the kids would adore it so much more than a run of the mill puppy. Christmas day rolls around and your child opens the package with great anticipation and out pops a dangerous, feral wolverine ready to turn your happy holiday into a mad Christmas nightmare.

Well like it or not congress did pass this monstrosity. They did set a dangerous, feral wolverine loose in the house even though their intent was to give the kids a cute, furry, harmless pet. Now we, the people, must deal with the huge mistake our supposed representatives foisted upon us. They certainly aren't. They exempted themselves from it. Kind of like the parents hiding in the bedroom and making the kids figure out how to handle the wolverine.

As an aside, perhaps the funniest aspect to this are those who still try to defend Obamacare and the Obama administration. In the wake of all the proven lies, the broken promises and the broken website, there are still people in the administration who will try to convince the public that all is well, and there are still people who truly believe. They still think government mandated private health insurance is a good idea, that it still saves money, or that at least it was well intentioned, despite the protests, the website problems, the lack of transparency, the job loses, the lost income, the cost increases and the phenomenal number of people losing their insurance and their doctors. You want to talk about being in denial? It's kind of like those people with the wolverine refusing to believe the store clerk lied to them. They sit there looking at a growling, rabid wolverine, in the midst of destroyed draperies, a sofa that's been ripped to shreds, after little Suzy's had her left eye clawed out and little Tommy's had his right ear chewed off, and say, "But it's so cute and cuddly and unique." Well, it is unique.

So this terrible, awful bill passed and now we have to deal with it. How do we deal? If it is a law then we have to, as the above video suggests at the end, disobey en masse. If it is a tax, we must refuse to pay it. Now, a law will more or less try to punish you for doing something you're not supposed to do. A tax tries to make you do something you don't want to do. We see both these approaches in Obamacare. It might seem like one is trapped and has to obey to stay out of trouble, but as always human beings are very good at figuring out ways to get around any given situation. This is why, IMHO, Obamacare is doomed.

Obamacare acts like a law in that it tells insurance companies and doctors they can't do this or they can't do that. It acts like a tax in that it mandates purchase of insurance and imposes fines on those who would refuse to buy. Much frustration revolves around what can be done against such blatant abuse of power. Many people feel that nothing can be done and so they just try to go along to get along. That's what the powers that be want. They want people to believe they are powerless. Yet there is actually much that can be done to peacefully change things. It's mostly just a matter of disobeying. It's mostly just a matter of remembering that each individual has the power to just say "no" and that by doing so you are refusing to simply give in to tyranny. There are even ways to go about saying "no" and still staying off the radar, so to speak.

Doctors and their patients are beginning to figure out ways to get around these intrusive laws. One, a Dr. Michael Ciampi featured in the clip at the end of this article, has taken a route many other doctors are taking and is moving to a cash only practice and refusing to accept insurance of any kind. He states he doesn't want to work for the insurance companies or the government anymore and simply wants to work for his patients. It's a novel concept, I perform a service for you and you pay me.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with this, but the insurance industry might. After all, if one can get the same quality service at less cost, one will usually opt for the cheaper option. Cutting out the middleman usually reduces cost because, well, now the middleman isn't taking his cut. That's what healthcare insurance companies have become, middlemen. They're not going to take kindly to someone who threatens their income, and they've already shown that they're willing to use government enforcers as strong arms to force Americans to buy their products. It wouldn't surprise me if their next step is to pass some kind of law to force doctors to accept insurance, nor would it surprise me to find out that such a provision is already buried deep in the tome that is Obamacare.

So what could they do? Charge private doctors in cash only practices with tax evasion, or with conspiracy to commit tax evasion for providing such services? After all, Obamacare is a tax despite the fact that so many promised it would not be a tax. Fine them so much that it puts them out of business? What if they refuse to pay the fines? Should they go to jail then? Should they be put in prison the same way many other tax protesters who have refused to pay their income taxes have been? Is this the road we want to travel?

We are supposed to be a free society. We are supposed to have freedom to associate with who we want to associate with. At the same time, we are supposed to have the freedom to not associate with people we don't want to associate with. These doctors obviously don't want to associate with these insurance companies. They should not be punished for that. No one should ever be forced or coerced to buy any product or service ever, which is exactly what Obamacare does.

Government is supposed to protect the weakest minority, the individual, from powerful corporations. They are not supposed to make powerful corporations even more powerful by agreeing to help them extort money from hard working individuals who have tried to do what's right and followed the rules their whole lives. If anyone should have to worry about going to prison it should be the corporate executives and the politicians who have helped to bring this abomination of a tax law to pass. I can only hope the establishment's enforcers come to realize this when they're asked to take the next steps.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Sunday, October 27, 2013

New Illinois Law to Centralize Health Care

My eldest daughter works as a billing specialist for a doctor here in Chicago. Her job more or less requires that she familiarize herself with the laws regulating doctors and the insurance industry. Unlike the layman who simply wants to see a doctor when illness strikes and be able to afford the treatments offered in order to get well again, she has to get into the guts of a system that requires 1500+ page tomes trying to determine the cost for treating every malady imaginable. As such, she has been studying a proposed new law, The State Health Care Innovation Plan, or SHCIP, that the Illinois legislature will soon be voting on. It is 200+ pages or so long, and what she has read concerned her so that she gave me the first 8 pages to read to ask me what I thought of it.

I have to admit, I find reading legalese quite tedious, but I was interested in this legislation since it would affect how just about everyone in the state of Illinois goes about shopping for their health care needs. I think everyone should be interested in this law since it puts the state between the patient and one's doctor and regulates all aspects of the relationship one has with one's doctor.

The main gist is that all health care providers will need to be a part of an organization. There are, of course, a number of different organizations that can be chosen from. The organizations will be formed around a primary care physician, and all specialty services will need to be referred out through the PCP. The organization will be paid by the insurance companies, not by the procedures they perform, but in a bulk payment, known as capitation, once a month, to be distributed by the organization to their physicians, not by how much work the doctors have done, but by however they see fit. The doctors are becoming slaves and you no longer have a choice in what health care services you're allowed to receive.

As I read the first 8 pages of this law, the first thing that struck me is that it read more like a report than a law. They were citing statistics. They were pointing out flaws in the current system. They were discussing a vision for the future of health care in Illinois that they had. It was more like I was reading a sales pitch rather than a law. It was almost as if they were trying to justify to themselves what they were about to do as well as to everyone else. Bad ideas often need massive amounts of righteous justification before they are implemented, if for no other reason than to give the politically powerful the ability to use the "good intentions" excuse when things go wrong and individuals are harmed. When I finished reading these eight pages, I had a vague idea of what they were trying to say and do, but I wasn't quite certain. I wasn't even sure if it was a law since, well, you know, laws should usually be straight forward and explain what you can and cannot do. I called my daughter and asked her what I had just read, since she has to deal with these matters every day.

Her insight confirmed my suspicions. They are trying to rid the state of private health care practitioners. Any doctor with a private practice will not be welcome in the state of Illinois, and the Illinois state government will go to any length to make sure that anyone who tries to defy them and run a private practice will find it very difficult to do so. If you are not a member of an organization, or some other "health care entity," as they like to call it, you are going to be subjected to unfair regulations and scrutiny in an effort to scare off the mavericks that might try to question the system.

When I was a kid, we went to a nice doctor that my family knew and trusted for most of our health problems that arose, and as a child I had plenty of health issues. His name was Dr. Gibson and I remember him as a kindly old man who showed genuine care and compassion for us. I remember that my family had a wonderful relationship with this man. It seems to me that this is the kind of relationships the powers that be don't want us to have anymore. They can't have doctors actually caring for their patients. That could interfere with the "business" of health care.

A doctor who cares too much for his patients might not care enough about profit and might actually try to buck a system that wants to recommend procedures that are more profitable above procedures that might actually produce a cure for a given condition. They don't want doctors thinking for themselves, they want doctors to have to come to a consensus. After all, isn't that what politics is all about, consensus building? It's only natural, then, that when politicians have their say in the field of health care - and they do have their say for they are creating and passing the laws that regulate it - they create a system they are familiar with.

Combine this with the for profit corporations that have bought out governments at all levels and you have a combination lethal to small businesses and start ups. In the health care industry this means doctors wanting to start their own practices and treat patients one on one, face to face. The corporations don't want to face that kind of competition and so they ask their friends in powerful political positions to create laws which make it nigh impossible for such competition to grow roots. These for profit corporations are the insurance companies that have come to dominate that industry. They are the ones who want the doctors corralled into "health care entities" so that they can maintain not only control over their activities, but their livelihoods as well. That's what it boils down to, complete control.

Large corporations like those that dominate the health care insurance industry want to create and protect monopolies for themselves so that they can profit all the more from the services they offer. The best way for them to protect their monopolies is to turn to those who have a monopoly on legitimate force and ask them to create laws to make it difficult for competitors to compete. To accomplish this, the political class has taken to illusion. They want the common folk to believe they are being compassionate. They pass laws designed to profit their corporate buddies under the guise of compassion. At the same time they want to remove anyone else's ability to show compassion. In essence, it's not enough that they create a monopoly in health care, they need to create a monopoly on compassion also in order to justify the system they want to establish.

The Illinois law is a tributary of the ACA. It most likely would never have even been conceived if Obamacare had not passed. Now it is taking a bad law and making it even worse. Illinois is trying to become the most SSR like of all the SSRs in the USSA. This law will pass so long as most people remain unaware and allow it to happen. The only way now to prevent such laws from passing is to speak up and speak out against these intrusive and restrictive laws. Let them know you want choice over mandates. Let them know you want the freedom to determine for yourself the kind of health care you want. Otherwise they will continue to take those choices away from you until you have but one choice, their monopoly, and you will take that choice whether you like it or not.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Law: Spirit and Letter, Enforcers and Corruption

Here's something not too many people know. Back in the mid 1980s, I was accepted to a couple of graduate school law programs. I never really told anyone because I decided I didn't want to go. Or rather I told myself that life had decided for me and that I couldn't afford to go. There have been times in my life when I have wondered how things would have turned out for me had I gone. Perhaps my life would have been better, perhaps not. I wonder if I would have let knowledge of the law corrupt me, as it seems to have done to so many others. I wonder if I would have let knowledge of this secretive and highly influential language taint my world view, or if I would have somehow managed to remain true to my morals and principles despite subjecting myself to the poisonous rot that passes itself off as law these days.

As it stands today, I have the clarity of hindsight to base my thoughts upon. I think that perhaps I have a better understanding of the law than many current day lawyers. At least I don't have the burden of knowing that I need the masses of people to not understand the nuances of law in order to make a living. I believe, as do many others, that the law should be written in plain English, or whatever language the masses understand, so that everyone understands it, not just a few who can then manipulate the language to their benefit. I believe we should do away with this language known as legalese which has a tendency to take common words and change their meaning for uncommon purposes.

The law should be simple. You don't harm others. You don't steal from others. Things like that. Of course there's going to be extenuating circumstances that might come about from time to time and these things should be considered, but the basics remain simple. So many people seem to worship this thing we call "the law" that it almost seems spiritual in nature. Yet spirit can be evil as well as good. Spirit can be detrimental as well as beneficial. There is a spirit behind these laws and that spirit should be designed to provide justice for someone who may be victimized by a powerful entity. The law ceases to be legitimate when it becomes the powerful entity that is victimizing the common folk.

In today's society, it is not the spirit of a law that is enforced, but the letter of the law. For instance, if a law says do not cross a street except at the crosswalk or you will be fined, you could be fined even if you had a legitimate reason for breaking that law such as trying to avoid someone who means to cause you harm. We'd like to think that those who enforce the law could use their discretion to understand when the spirit of the law is being violated as opposed to the letter of the law, but this is hardly ever the case. We'd like to think that judges and juries would be able to do the same, but this is again hardly ever the case. Enforcers enforce the letter of the law, no matter how much harm that letter might do to another human being. Judges and juries only judge guilt or innocence via interpreting the letter of the law, not it's spirit.

The power of the law is its spirit. That power has been usurped due to the desire for expedience and the laziness of the common folk. It has been corrupted due to governmental greed and the desire of the ruling class to control the masses. The justice system itself has become one huge injustice, one huge miscarriage of justice, one huge revenue generating mill that punishes the innocent by encouraging plea bargains where they plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid attorney costs and jail time, protects the guilty in the same way, and upholds bad laws by not allowing or encouraging juries to judge the law itself over and above the defendant's guilt or innocence.

Today's laws are selectively enforced. They are often created by the dictates of government agencies controlled by the executive branch rather than through the conscientious debates of the legislative branch. Those with political power or who are able to afford the cost of political favors can oft times be excluded from the law while those without who can't afford it must suffer the consequences of a law that causes harm. Such is what we see in this huge 1600+ page monstrosity of a law that is fallaciously entitled the "Affordable Care Act" and more commonly known as Obamacare. It may have a well meaning spirit, but its letter is malicious and malignant. It is the letter of this law that will be enforced and as this happens its spirit vanishes into the ethers as a dystopian society sprouts into being.

The federal government has attempted to shut down some of its more innocuous aspects supposedly over the attempt to defund the implementation of this bill. The executive branch has failed miserably in its attempts to deny the public certain services (that should cost it extremely little to no money to provide) and to point the finger of blame at a certain political party. Many people now understand what this is really all about and that closing national monuments and parks is no way to go about solving this problem. It is my hope that those in the political class who are making a stand against funding Obamacare will take it one step further and repeal the entire law.

Yet I don't hold much hope that this will happen. There are powerful interests that want this law implemented no matter the consequences. As many have discovered and as I have said from the beginning it is the insurance companies who benefit greatly from this law, not the common folk. Think about it for a moment, how much better off would you be if you could get the federal government to mandate that everyone had to own the product or buy the service that you offer? With premiums going through the roof and the government forcing all to either buy the insurance or get fined, many will soon find that they will have much less cash to spend on things like food, rent, gas for the car, clothes, and other little necessities of life. Some may find they won't be able to afford such luxuries as new shoes for their kids. Some may have to leave their nicer homes in favor of more affordable abodes. Some may find they just can't afford to be alive after they are fired or reduced to part time labor all for the sake of a few insurance company executives whose companies' profits needed to be boosted by law.

Someday this law may indeed go into effect, and it may be someday soon. When this happens the people need to disobey. They need to simply not sign up for the mandated insurance. They need to simply say "no." When this happens they need to refuse to pay the fines. They need to, whenever possible, dare the establishment to come arrest them. They need to, in effect, grow a pair. When enough of the productive in society are threatened by government, something has to give. When this happens, it is my hope that the enforcers will side with the people who produce, not with the criminal, parasitic government. Bad law should not be enforced. When the letter of the law is harmful it should be judged illegitimate. No law that does such harm should be implemented in a free society, but if it is than it will be time for the people to stand and push back against it.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation.

Below is a list of all my works available at Please help me by purchasing one or more of my ebooks and writing favorable reviews if you like them so that others might also find and enjoy them.

Caged in America: A Collection of Essays Celebrating Freedom. By Szandor Blestman

Ron Paul's Wisdom, A Layman's Perspective. A Collection of Opinion Editorials. By Szandor Blestman

Galaxium. A screenplay By Matthew Ballotti

The Colors of Elberia; book 1 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Legacy of the Tareks; book 2 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Power of the Tech; book 3 of The Black Blade Trilogy. By Matthew Ballotti

The Edge of Sanity. By Matthew Ballotti

The Ouijiers By Matthew Ballotti