Monday, June 6, 2011

Evolution, Religion and Mankind's Impact on Climate Change

People carry around many misconceptions in their thought processes. They make all kinds of assumptions that have nothing to do with facts, reasons, or observations. Sometimes this becomes evident in such a way as to take one aback and make one say "huh?" I discovered this personally one day when I became involved in a rather boisterous conversation about human driven climate change.

It is interesting to note that this conversation started out as a rather friendly one in which we were all agreeing that government was growing out of control. When the other man mentioned human driven climate change, I opined my view that humans have very little, if anything, to do with climate change and that the sun was a much bigger factor. The look on his face changed from one of jovial jocularity to that of a man who had just witnessed someone kicking his dog. How dare I challenge his beliefs on human driven climate change? He grew huffy and fumed. I was a bit taken aback as I thought this man had exhibited some modicum of free thought, but I too grew huffy and knew I would have to defend my position.

The man spouted something about the UN and thousands of scientists. At least he didn't cite Al Gore. I mentioned the emails proving that data was falsified and cooked, the fact that carbon dioxide is a life giving gas (plants use it like we use oxygen, for those who don't know) and not a pollutant, the greater role that water vapor plays in driving climate, and the taxes the elite want to impose upon us for breathing, which produces carbon dioxide.

His face turned red as he fumed. I breathed hard, waiting for his next barb. He mentioned something about the Bible. "Excuse me?" I asked, not knowing what point he was trying to make. He accused me of being a religious zealot. I was aghast. This man believed that if I didn't believe in the manmade climate change propaganda driven by the collectivist, one world government type agenda that I must be some kind of Bible thumper.

Flabbergasted, I stammered for a moment, then explained to him that wasn't the case and that I had been a Geology major at the University of Illinois back in the 1980s. I knew of the ice core samples that showed high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere long before mankind could have possibly had an impact on the environment because, I explained, mankind had not evolved enough at that time. He quieted down at that point, but I could tell he was still roiling under the surface. I said nothing more, not wishing to cause anymore of a scene than had already been acted out.

Thinking back on this exchange, it occurred to me how good an illustration it is on the human capacity to not only believe stories they're told without further investigation, but to defend their positions even in the face of evidence to the contrary. I believe much of this phenomenon comes from the trust we put in our sources. It seems to me that as humans we tend to have an unhealthy reverence toward those we hold in great esteem. It seems that many tie their own self worth to the fallible humans or organizations that they put their faith in. In many cases these same people or organizations are the ones informing them and telling them what to believe and how to behave. When one has tied his own goodness and self worth to another like that, it is only natural to deny evidence that the entity worshipped in such a way is not really as it seems. There is a subconscious equivocation going on that if the person or organization trusted is bad, the person or entity doing the trusting must also be bad. This is not only an untrue equivocation, but one that most probably don't realize is happening.

This phenomenon was realized by the power elite early on in mankind's history. For instance, there is much evidence that churches and the priest class knew long ago that the earth was round and revolved around the sun, yet the common folk were taught it was flat and that various gods were responsible for the movements in the sky. Why? Because by keeping that knowledge hidden from common people the priest class was able to better control them. They could tell frightening stories to them to convince them to hand over a portion of the food and wealth they produced to a parasitic class that did essentially nothing. In many ways, this still goes on today. Substitute the word priest with the word scientist, and then the word church with the word government and you will have a good idea of what I believe is going on with human caused climate change. This is a complicated science with easily manipulated data and beyond the grasp of most common folk to understand, let alone test for themselves. The priest/scientist class has gotten together with the church of one world government to produce a frightening set of circumstances they can use to convince the common folk to turn over a portion of the wealth they produce.

There are many who might find it hard to believe that I could believe in the theory of evolution but not in the theory of manmade climate change. First off, I have my own experiences, studies and experiments that I participated in when I was younger to rely on. I have looked into other theories, like intelligent design, and have found them woefully lacking. Much of their time and effort seems to be spent in an effort to disprove the theory of evolution rather than proving their own case. Just for the record, disproving one thing does not necessarily prove another.

There is lots of solid science behind evolution. It is a theory that can be observed by anyone as it is constantly taking place all around us. It is the science of adapting to changes, and more specifically of nature adapting to natural changes in a natural manner. There is even a science, albeit a controversial one, the science of genetics, that is based on the theory of evolution and has produced usable products. There are many questions involving the safety of these products, and many questions involving the morals of some who promote this science and its manmade products, but that is an article for another day.

On the other hand, I have looked into the theory of manmade global warming and certain things didn't add up, even before the deception was made clear by the email leaks that came out more than a year ago. In the late seventies, early eighties the scare was a new ice age caused by global cooling. The geologic record shows hundreds of major climate changes and millions of minor ones across the eons. Mostly, the evidence suggests that these are caused by some kind of natural cycles involving the sun and the moon, but major ones can be caused by earthen activity such as volcanism or cataclysmic events such as meteor or comet strikes. I can't say enough how little an effect the feared carbon dioxide has on climate, but how much of an effect water has. But then, it's a lot harder to demonize water than it is to demonize carbon dioxide, a gas with a much scarier and scientific sounding name. Want to scare someone? Just ask them if they think the government should do something about the dangerous and deadly dihydrogen monoxide and see what they say. Tell them many die from it every year. You just asked them if they think the government should do something about water.

No, I do not kneel at the church of science just like I do not kneel at anyone's altar. I do not blindly follow along with a crowd just because someone says something is true. I question everything, especially authority, and look into things on my own. I look into not only the science behind things, but the politics behind things and the wealth, power and control that can be derived from supporting certain agendas. It seems to me that big government and world government are quickly becoming like a modern version of "the church" as it existed and exerted its control through the dark ages. It seems that many scientists have become the new priest class and manmade climate change the new terrorizing threat of being damned to hell for all eternity.

One last thing I'd like to point out. Just because I do not believe in manmade climate change doesn't mean I don't believe in natural climate change. It also doesn't mean I support the oil or coal corporations, or any energy corporation. It doesn't mean the Koch brothers have paid me money to write about these matters. (Although I wish they would. I asked Mr. Branson for the $25 million he offered as a prize over four years ago, but he never got back to me.) In fact, I think the time has come for people to begin changing over to solar and wind energy generation combined with battery storage to power their homes. I think it is time for a viable electric car that can go eighty miles an hour and get hundreds of miles to a charge.

I think it's time to start to get everyone off the grid and become independent from the energy companies. This has nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with loosening the stranglehold energy corporations and big international banks have on humanity and the political landscape. I imagine that there are many people who will have trouble comprehending how I can deny manmade climate change and still be against big energy corporations, just like the man in the grocery store who couldn't comprehend that I could deny manmade climate change without being a right wing religious zealot. It's too bad so many people have trouble realizing that there are almost always more than two choices in life.

My archived articles are available at Please visit there to help support me and my efforts. I also have an ebook available entitled "The Ouijiers" by Matthew Wayne.


Anonymous said...

" I had been a Geology major at the University of Illinois back in the 1980s."

I was as well, though in Canada. And I am a climate skeptic like you. However geology has changed since we went through back in the 1980's. The new Geo's I work with are all climate alarmists. Something drastic has changed in the science of Geology since the 80's, I don't know what has changed but they are churning out alarmists. And when I challenge them on it, I realize I am challenging their faith. BTW I'm not a Bible thumper, nor am I a Intelligent Designer, nor am I a 911 Truther, nor am I a Moon-landing denier.

What I have found is that climate change is beyond a theory now. It is now infallible, when a theory becomes infallible it ceases being a theory and becomes a faith. The faithful see ACC in everything, they feel ACC is the explanation for everything. Just like preachers see God in everything and feel God is the explanation for everything. Remember when insect infestations were caused by insecticides, well its climate change now. Falling fish stocks used to be caused by over fishing, now its caused by climate change. Earthquakes used to be caused by plate tectonics, now plate tectonics is caused by changing climate. So for those in the Church of Climatology, AGW or ACC can cause floods & droughts, high & low temperatures, and hundreds of other phenomena. No matter what the phenomena, climate change has correctly predicted it, this is its infallibility. And no matter how much you disprove the faith, it means nothing, the Believers will still believe. This is a common characteristic of faith.

sblestman said...

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I have to admit, I have not been involved in geology in quite some time, so I was unaware of this phenomenon. I had a professor back then who argued against the ice age alarmists who were prevalent at the time. He was highly respected in the field and many grad students came to the University of Illinois simply because he taught there. He taught us to think, to form new theories that could explain our observations, and then to develop experiments to test our theories. It sounds like they don't do that anymore. I wonder if my professor is still around and what he would think of all this hullabaloo. My guess is he no longer teaches, or if he does so he teaches in a secretive, covert manner. Politics has a way of squeezing out the good people who know what they're doing. It has a way of punishing success and rewarding failure.