Friday, October 22, 2010

Austerity and Riots, a Matter of Broken Trust and Fraud

There are some who might wonder at the recent riots in France. They might want to blame them on the French people being lazy, or greedy, or unwilling to make sacrifices. They might wonder if the French people don't realize that the world is in a financial mess, that we are all going to have to work a little harder and change our lifestyles if we are going to muddle through these tough times. Personally, I don't believe these protests and riots in France are about such things. I don't think they're about being unwilling to make sacrifices or work harder. I think they're about recognizing the fraud that has been perpetrated upon humanity and demanding justice on those who perpetrated the fraud. I think it's about finally saying "Enough!" and demanding that promises made be kept.

It seems that people worldwide are beginning to realize that the global central banking cartel along with their government and international corporate buddies have been taking us all for a ride. First the Greeks, then the Icelanders, and now the French have reacted in a predictable manner after being told they'd been lied to all these years. They are angry and upset. Who can blame them? The French pay what, up to 80% of their paychecks in taxes? They were promised they'd be taken care of after the age of 60 if they just gave over that much of their income. Is it any wonder they're pissed off when that promise is broken and they figure they could have done a better job keeping that money and deciding for themselves how to invest or save it?

We Americans have had promises made to us and broken also. We've also had our trust violated by the moneyed elite. Our forefathers were cautious and very suspicious about central banking and fiat currency. For those who may not know, fiat currency is money by decree, or money backed by nothing to be used in exchange for real goods and services because the law says it must be accepted. If there needs to be laws made requiring people to take the money, one has to wonder about the true nature of that money. Is it any wonder we've been warned about this system? Is there any wonder that it is prone to corruption?

The French are mad because they have worked hard all their lives and looked forward to the day they could retire, and now they're being told they'll have to put it off a little longer. I know that there is an image created that the French aren't as hard working as everyone else, but they have roads to make and maintain, buildings to be built, products to be produced, services to be rendered just like any other modern western nation. They have hard working people and lazy people just as any other community has. That's not the point. They have likely figured out that the workers, those who earn the money, are being ripped off by an elite class whose members haven't earned a dime in over a century, a class who was taught by their predecessors to continue a fraudulent ponzi scheme in order to live off the backs of the working class.

Although the French are historically some of the most liberty oriented people in the world, they allowed the promise of socialism to lure them into creating a collectivist system that has taken power from each individual and put it into the hands of a very few. Now they are finding that the promise of socialism is not economically sustainable. They are finding that the price for their demands of state run retirement programs, health programs, and other socialized benefits is a lowered standard of living for the common man. They are seeing their dreams destroyed by the austerity an elite class wants to impose upon them. They are waking up to a frightening reality and taking to the streets to express their disgust and disapproval to what they see as criminal activity.

There was a reason governments were supposed to be set up to represent the interests of the common man. This reason was to prevent a powerful moneyed elite from taking over society and violently imposing their will upon the masses. This is in essence what was experienced in feudal times when lords owned most of the land and you either lived on their land and paid tribute to them or you lived on your own in the wilds and took your chances that a larger, more powerful gang wouldn't stumble upon you or your little community and take everything you had, including your life. It was this slavery, this theft of labor that modern man and civilized society was trying to stop.

Liberty isn't about equity, or fairness, or justice, it's about opportunity. It's about the ability to earn an honest living and keep for yourself the fruits of your labor. It's about the ability to own your own private property and not having to worry about some large, powerful group being able to forcefully take that property from you. It's about earning your own keep and not having some parasitic organization demanding a portion of your earnings just so they'll leave you be. The government was supposed to prevent these types of powerful entities from such tyrannical practices. Instead, they have become the very predator they were meant to protect against. Worse still, they have colluded with other predators, huge international corporate interests and central banking cartels, to help bring down a formerly affluent middle class and horde the wealth for themselves.

The French have joined the ranks of the Greeks and the Icelanders in taking to the streets and letting the elitists on top know that they are not pleased by the fraud and broken promises that have been perpetrated upon hard working common folk. The riots are unfortunate occurrences that have likely created innocent victims. They are predictable consequences to government failure, the failure to prosecute the real criminals, the elite class that has brought all this about.

One might wonder what nation will follow in France's footsteps. Will it be Spain, Italy, Portugal or Ireland, as some have suggested? Will it be Germany, England or the United States, as may surprise some analysts? Will it be one of the traditionally more obedient countries, like Japan? One can wonder which populations are going to take to the streets and which are just going to bend over and take it. One can also wonder what the reactions of the various governments will be and what force will be used to suppress protests and opposition when austerity measures are put in place. One can hope all will remain peaceful, but the chances of civil unrest occurring grow greater with each measure governments take to punish the common folk and protect the interests of the moneyed elite.

I don't blame the French for their actions and I hope Americans can stand up and be counted when push comes to shove. I certainly don't condone violence of any kind, nor do I wish to see it in the streets, but people can and should only take so much before they reach a breaking point. I can only hope that the elected officials in this nation take note of what's happening in Europe and start taking steps to back off their attempts to restrict our decision making abilities. I can only hope they take steps to start repealing the freedom killing legislation that has been passed over the past decade. I can only hope they take steps to start exposing the fraud and prosecuting the super elite who have engineered this economic disaster. I can only hope they do the right thing to defuse the situation, but I don't think it's very likely they will.

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