Monday, November 22, 2010

Decentralization in an Age of Globalization

I'm not one known to make predictions about the future, but I am going to make a prediction here. I am going to predict that we're going to start hearing more and more about global government, or global taxes, or global solutions to the ongoing economic crisis in the mainstream corporate media. I make this prediction because of the current precarious position of the dollar as the second round of quantitative easing takes place. Already there is a sector calling for a replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

This is occurring mostly because of the fiat nature of all the world's currencies. Currencies worldwide compete with each other for value. You hear it all the time, the Dollar against the Euro, the Euro against the Yen, the Yen against the Yuan. It's all tied together. But they are all based on nothing. They are all created from thin air. Supposedly the value of a currency comes from the interest rates charged, but they all have to remain competitive against each other. So as quantitative easing takes effect and more dollars become available, other fiat currencies will have to follow suit to remain competitive. As a result of supply and demand, all currencies will eventually devalue. They will all become worth less.

Many foreign countries and international companies are holding dollars in reserve. They don't like that their savings are going to lose value. They may well begin to dump their dollars for something that will hold its purchasing power, but other fiat currencies are not going to fit that bill. Precious metals, gems and other commodities, on the other hand, represent real wealth rather than debt. But the corporate establishment and the central banks don't want the world's governments actually acquiring real wealth. That could mean a collapse of their system and a diminishment of their power. They want governments to remain indebted to them. Their answer to this problem, of course, will likely be a one world fiat currency, perhaps something along the line of the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

The solution proposed will be meant to centralize power into the hands of even fewer people rather than distributing power more evenly among the masses. It will be meant to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It will widen the divide between the classes. This is exactly what the elite want. They seem to revel in their status and their superiority complexes. They seem to be jealous that so many are able to obtain the same luxuries that once only they could afford and are striving to make paupers of everyone but the elite few. In my opinion, centralization is the exact opposite of what we need. Centralization has been a dismal failure in every case and has led to impoverishment of the masses. Decentralization, on the other hand, has historically led to prosperity for all.

How can we decentralize? The secret may lie in the ability to say no, the ability to disobey. We are trained from birth to look up to authority. If a child is lost he or she is often told to find and trust a police officer. We are trained to accept the teacher's authority, or the authority of the principle. We are trained to unquestioningly obey the "law" as if it was some kind of omnipotent being looking out for your welfare rather than mere words put on paper by mortal, fallible, corruptible humans in a veiled attempt to control your behavior and your choices to their benefit and your detriment. Many of us are trained or simply learn through experience that it is best to go along to get along. It is this attitude, this natural human quality, that has helped lead us to the place we are today. We don't have to simply accept the dictates of the ruling elite just because they are super wealthy and this is what they want. If things are to change for the benefit of the many, it would be helpful if the masses recognized what was going on and simply stopped obeying the rules written by the wealthy elite for the wealthy elite.

The rich and powerful have set up the current worldwide economic system for their benefit, not for the benefit of the masses. They may have claimed otherwise at the beginning, and it might have seemed to have helped create the middle class to a point during the boom years, but now we are seeing what happens when the bubbles burst. Many have paid by losing everything they had earned after a lifetime of work to the too big to fail. The time has come to pay the piper, and the piper are the wealthy elite who control the Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world. They would love to establish laws and rules that supersede national sovereignty, limit competition and excuse the violations of individual rights by agents of the elite.

Their economic system, like so many government systems that have been usurped and are now controlled by the corporate establishment, has failed. They may be becoming desperate to prop it up. They would love to once again capture the respect of the masses by offering a solution, only it will be one that in the long run will lead to even more control for them. They would love to play the saviors while they dig their claws deeper into society's economic life blood like the parasites they are. They want to pretend to fix a problem they created while blaming it on someone else. The masses of humanity need to simply stand up and say "no" to their attempts to force their will upon us.

The banking cartels have a monopoly on the creation of money and it is time to take that power from them. One way this can be accomplished is through agorism. People don't have to use the fractional reserve fiat currencies that are circulated by governments and central banks worldwide. Other more stable currencies can be substituted for the current money people are required to accept by law. Precious metals pressed into coin form are historically the most stable form of exchange, with gold and silver being the most used. These exchanges can be made on a voluntary basis, the basis of agorism philosophy, between buyer and seller.

Such a free market has become known as a "black market" in the modern vernacular. I have the feeling that this name was made up by government propagandists who wanted to make such an organic and natural system seem bad because they couldn't get in there and demand their cut. That is what central banks and their government cronies want, to be able to take a percentage of every financial exchange made between any two entities in the world. That is how they become wealthier than gods and maintain their power over the common folk. That is how they win.

Refusing to take part in this system takes their power away. Cutting them out of the picture is how the common folk win. Imagine how much less everything would cost if you remove the taxes. Imagine how much easier it would be to save for retirement and emergencies if the purchasing power of money was stable and didn't need to grow to account for inflation. The purchasing power of gold has remained stable for thousands of years. I'm not certain, but I think the same is mostly true for silver also. I am certain that precious metals provide a much more stable economic environment than fiat currencies despite what the Keynesian economists claim.

We have been lucky in this country. We had mostly free markets and currencies based on gold and silver for long periods of time in this nation. The Constitution of the United States of America granted congress the power to coin money and spelled out that states could not make anything other than gold and silver a tender for debts. That helped us prosper and become the financial powerhouse we once were. The Federal Reserve has been chipping away at this base since its inception. The money now used by the United States is no longer backed by gold or silver, nor is any money of any nation that I know of. We are all in the same boat.

Globalization is not new. It has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands of years. There has been a global economy at least since the first trade routes between east and west were established. There has always been a competition between nations, always one trying to get the most value from the other. I my opinion, that competition has led to much innovation and better lives for all involved.

As the fiat currencies of the world spiral out of inflationary control, it will be interesting to see what nation bails first. It will be interesting to see if any nation decides to back its currency with gold or silver in an effort to put itself on top of the heap. That nation, the one that first makes such a move, will likely prosper greatly as demand for its currency grows. If none do, however, it will be up to individuals and private entities to re-establish an honest money system.

My archived articles are available at Please visit there to help support me and my efforts. I also have an ebook available entitled "The Ouijiers" by Matthew Wayne.

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